Personal Information
Dr. Astri Ghina/ NIP 14801274/ NIDN 0424078005
Email: aghina@telkomuniversity.ac.id Bloghttp://aghina.staff.telkomuniversity.ac.id/ Academia.edu: Astri Ghina
Google Scholar: <14 Citations, February 6th 2016>
- Cum Laude Achiever of Chemistry, FMIPA, Padjadjaran University (2002)
- The Best Achiever Cum Laude of Master of Science in Management ITB (2011)
- The Best Doctoral Researcher of Doctoral of Science in Management (2015)
Research Topic
Pembelajaran kewirausahaan di lembaga pendidikan formal / informal, Pengukuran kompetensi kewirausahaan dari mahasiswa / alumni, Kriteria kesuksesan untuk usaha mikro dan kecil.
- Ghina, A., Simatupang, T. M., & Gustomo, A. (2015). Learning Approaches in Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies. Proceeding of SIBR 2015 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, 4th-6th June 2015, Bangkok.
- Ghina, A., Simatupang, T. M., & Gustomo, A. (2015). Building a Systematic Framework for Entrepreneurship Education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education.
- Ghina, A., Simatupang, T. M., & Gustomo, A. (2014). A Systematic Framework for Entrepreneurship Education within a University Context. International Education Studies Journal, 7(12), 1-19.
- Ghina, A. (2013). Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education within Higher Education Institutions. Proceeding of Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 115, 332 – 345
- Ghina, A. (2013). Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education within Higher Education Institutions. Proceeding of Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business, 24th-28th June 2013, Bandung.
- Ghina, A. & Larso, D. (2011). Corporate Entrepreneurship di Sektor Pelayanan Publik. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, 10 (1), 93-113.
- Ghina, A. & Permana, D. (2011). Corporate Entrepreneurship di Sektor Pelayanan Publik. Proceeding of Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 26th-28th July 2011, Bandung.
- Ghina, A. (2011). Transgenerational Entrepreneurial Attitude in Bandung Family Business. Proceeding of Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 26th-28th July 2011, Bandung.
- Ghina, A. & Permana, D. (2010). Fostering Innovation within Public Sector: Antecedents and Consequences of Public Sector Innovation. Jurnal Pembangunan dan Kebijakan Publik, 2(1), 14-29.
- Ghina, A. & Dzulkifli, F. (2010). Public Service Intrapreneurship in The Civil Government Organization. Proceeding of Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 11th-15th July 2010, Jakarta.
- Ghina, A. & Permana, D. (2010). The Influence of Corporate Culture on Organizational Commitment: Case Study of Civil Government Organizations in Indonesia. Proceeding of Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 11th-15th July 2010, Jakarta.
- Agustini, E. S. & Ghina, A. (2010). Building Product Value toward Competitive Advantage (A Case Study of Tasikmalaya Embroidery). Proceeding of Indonesia International Conference of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 11th-15th July 2010, Jakarta.
- Agustini, E. S. & Ghina, A. (2010). Inovasi Proses Produksi Bordir Tasikmalaya Dalam Upaya Mendorong Innovation Leader pada Pengusaha Perempuan. Proceeding of 2nd National Post Graduate Conference on Business & Management Research Contribution in Dynamic Business Environment, 23rd-24th April 2010, Bandung.
Community Service
- 2015. Tim Dosen MBTI. Pelatihan Manajemen UMKM Berbasis Teknologi. 29 Mei 2015
- Ghina, A., Simatupang, T. M. Case Study Workshop Module for Beginner. 2016 (Draft).
- Ghina, A., Simatupang, T. M. Case Study Workshop Module for Intermediate. 2016 (Draft).
- Ghina, A., Simatupang, T. M. Case Study Workshop Module for Advance. 2016 (Draft).