Personal Information
Email: farahalfanur@tekomuniversity.ac.id; farah.029@gmail.com
S1 – Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Bandung
S2- Science in Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung
S2- Industrial Administration, Tokyo University of Science
Teaching Experience
Lecturer (full time) at School of Economics and Business, Department of ICT Business and 2011- Present Management, Telkom University – Indonesia. Subject: Strategic Management, Business Statistics, Mathematical Economics, Research Methodology, Business Management |
Regina, R.Y., Alfanur, F. (2015). Business Model Analysis of Tokopedia’s C2C Online Marketplace by Using Business Model Canvas. International Symposium Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities. Will be published inAdvance Science Letter Journal. |
Genia, G. Alfanur, F. (2015). Business Model Innovation in Public Television Station. 2nd International Conference on Global Trends in Academic Research (GTAR). Global Illuminators Publishing. |
Sipayung, H.L., Alfanur, F. (2015). Business Strategy Formulation Using SWOT Analysis and QSPM Matrix At Environmental Consulting Company. The 7th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business. |
Satriana, R., Rachmawati, I., Alfanur, F. (2014). Factor Analysis of Online Clothes Fashion Purchase on Social Media Instagram. European Journal of Economics and Management (pp 243-253). Kastel ltd-Kastel Publishing. |
Sari, P.K., Alfanur, F., A Conceptual Model of IT Investment Feasibility Analysis for Small and Medium Enterprise. (2012). International Conference on Organizational Innovation (ICOI). Surabaya: Universitas Airlangga. |
Research Grant
Directorate General of Higher Education’s Competitive Grant, Ministry of National 2015 – Present Education, Indonesia. Research Project Title: Prediction and Explanation the Variance of Key Target Constructs of Gadget Technology Adoption using Partial Least Squares: A Study of Private University Lecturers in Bandung City. |
Internal Funds Research from Research and Community Service of Telkom University |