Research Areas Sub KK SMDM

There are 12 areas of research in Sub KK SMDM, namely:

  1. Cooperative Strategies < D1> Fokus pada isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan strategi kooperatif pada fungsional,  bisnis, perusahaan, grup dan analisis tingkat jaringan. Contohnya untuk menjawab:
    • How do competitive, corporate, growth and innovation strategy decisions influence cooperative strategies?;
    • Under what conditions does reliance on cooperative strategies rather than organic growth or mergers and acquisitions increase the likelihood of success?;
    • What differences exist in the emergence, negotiation, management and termination of cooperative strategies involving dyads versus multi-party collaborations and networks?;
    • How do actors leverage relational, structural, and organizational attributes of networks to shape organizational behavior and outcomes of cooperative arrangements?
  2. Strategic Human Capital <D2>. Fokus pada penelitian yang menyikapi peran human capital  dalam kinerja perusahaan. Contohnya untuk menjawab:
    • How can firms purposefully create valuable firm-level human capital heterogenenity?
    • What are the mechanisms that link human capital to firm-level outcomes?
    • How do firms best manage the value appropriation challenges presented by “star” employees?
    • What factors explain differences in human capital productivity within industries?
  3. Stakeholder Strategy <D3> Mencakup perspektif multi-stakeholder dari strategi perusahaan, pendahulunya, batas-batasnya, peran, dan nilai-nilai, dan bentuk yang beragam dari dampak dan kinerja. Contohnya untuk menjawab:
    • How do competitive, corporate, growth and innovation strategy decisions influence the effectiveness of stakeholder engagement and sustainability oriented strategies and practices?
    • How do stakeholder engagement and sustainability oriented strategies and practices influence the effectiveness of competitive, corporate, growth and innovation strategies?
    • How can firms attempting to satisfy a plurality of stakeholder interests compete and/or cooperate effectively with like-minded firms as well as with traditional competitors?
  4. Competitive Strategy <D4>. Fokus pada penelitian mengenai  perusahaan dan interaksi di dalamnya dari waktu ke waktu. Contohnya untuk menjawab:
    • what are the dimensions and drivers of business performance? ;
    • How do businesses interact with one another and with their environment?
    • What is the nature and effect of these interactions? What is competitive advantage?
    • How can firms build and maintain a competitive advantage in a changing world?
    • What role do resources and capabilities play in shaping firms and industries over time? How do groups and clusters of firms arise and what are their effects?
  5. Strategy Process <D5>. Fokus pada faktor-faktor yang mengatur pembentukan strategi di grup, fungsional, perusahaan, dan analisis tingkat jaringan . Meliputi: the micro-practices of strategy making, the development of strategic initiatives, idea generation and creativity in strategy, the role of chance events, capability development and the role of emotions in strategy
  6. Entrepreneurship & Strategy <D6>. Fokus pada perilaku kewairausahaan baik pada usaha baru maupun pada perusahaan yang sudah established. Contohnya untuk menjawab:
    • How can we strengthen the theorizing on entrepreneurial activity?
    • How does a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship differ from other theories on competitive advantage?;
    • What are the appropriate research methods for a scientific study of the entrepreneurial process?;
    • What is the role of strategy in a new venture firm and how does it differ from that in an established firm?
  7. Strategic Leadership Governance <D7>. Membentuk atau dibentuk dengan strategi perusahaan dan kinerja dalam berbagai konteks kelembagaan dan peraturan. Contohnya untuk menjawab:
    • How does strategic leadership and governance in shaping strategy and performance?;
    • To what extent are firms reflections of their top managements, boards, and owners?
    • How does the firm’s performance, strategy, and external context shape strategic leadership and governance?
    • How does strategic leadership and governance shape ethical and socially responsible behavior?
    • What are the reciprocal relationships between strategic leadership and governance and stakeholders?
  8. Behavioral Strategy <D8>. Mempopulerkan penelitian yang menerapkan psikologi kognitif dan sosial dalam konteks manajemen strategis dan praktek. Meliputi area penelitian: Bounded rationality in competitive markets, Cognition and decision making; cognitive biases and heuristics, Cognitive schema and management perception, Individual and collective beliefs and ideologies, Prospect theory, reference points, and risk-taking, Emotions, motivations, personalities, and pathologies, The psychology of bargaining and organizational politics, Anomalies in strategic learning, The social psychology of group decision making
  9. Strategy Practice <D9>. Meliputi segala kegiatan, metode dan alat yang digunakan dalam perbuatan strategi dan bagaimana ‘strategy work’ yang dikaitkan dengan outcome organisasi. Contohnya untuk menjawab:
    • What does ‘strategy work’ involve? Who is involved in the doing of strategy?;
    • What impact do strategizing activities have on firm performance?;
    • How do individual strategists and their teams shape strategy and firm performance?;
    • What is their role in the development and leverage of firm’s resources, capabilities and processes?
  10. Knowledge & Innovation <D10>. Fokus pada bagaimana manajer dapat dengan usaha terbaiknya memanfaatkan basis pengetahuan organisasi mereka dalam rangka membangun keunggulan kompetitif bagi perusahaan mereka. Contohnya untuk menjawab:
    • What is organizational knowledge?;
    • Where does it reside?;
    • How does organizational learning take place and how does it feed into knowledge?;
    • What is the link between learning and innovation?;
    • How is knowledge shared and transmitted within and among organizations?
    • How can knowledge, learning, and innovation be managed better?
  11. Global Strategy <D11>. Secara eksplisit berkaitan dengan dampak yang mengembangkan kekuatan budaya, sosial, ekonomi, teknologi, lingkungan, dan politik global
  12. Corporate Strategy <D12>. Mencakup keputusan, tindakan dan hasil terkait dengan portofolio organisasi dari lini bisnis. Contohnya untuk menjawab: vertical integration, mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, corporate diversification strategy/organization, implementation and performance.


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